Could air pollution be a risk factor for dementia?

5543835085_fb0b017685_oDr Ruth Peters works at the Imperial Clinical Trials Unit of Imperial College London. In this blog, she discusses her recent Age & Ageing paper on the links between air pollution and dementia.

A few years ago, a chance conversation with a cardiologist about the adverse impact of air pollution on cardiovascular health set me thinking would such exposure also be a risk factor for dementia?

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Atrial Fibrillation: The real story behind the new NICE guidelines

Richard Bogle is a Consultant Cardiologist based in London and Surrey. He specialises in the assessment and treatment of patients with all types of heart and vascular disease. He tweets at @richardbogleshutterstock_180215222

If you watched the news this week you might have thought that the only recommendation in the NICE Atrial Fibrillation Guideline was that doctors should not prescribe aspirin to prevent strokes. In fact most cardiologists and geriatricians stopped using aspirin for this condition several years ago and the NICE recommendation simply reaffirms those issued previously by other professional societies such as the European Society of Cardiology.

The real story behind the guidelines was, in my opinion, nothing to do with medication or rate versus rhythm but rather the importance of delivering a personalised package of care for patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). Recognising that AF is a long term health condition there is emphasis on the importance of shared decision making processes particularly around anticoagulation. Alongside the guideline NICE published a Patient Decision Aid to assist with this process.  Continue reading

British Geriatrics Society Scientific meeting: Day 2

This week sees the 2013 BGS Autumn Scientific Meeting take place in Harrogate. This international multi-disciplinary conference is for professionals concerned with the the health and care of older people. We will be presenting a packed scientific programme, with updates on a variety of clinical topics covering several special interests.poster exhibition

The second day of our conference opens at 9.00 with the President’s Welcome Address, followed by an update on the BGS response to the Francis Report.

Session G (9.20-10.30) is dedicated to Syncope beginning with Prof Roseanne Kenny (Trinity College Dublin) on the assessment of the older patient with syncope, followed by Dr Michael Norton (South of Tyne and Wear) who will be discussing when a cardiologist should see an older patient with syncope? Continue reading

May issue of Age and Ageing out now

The May 2013 issue of Age and Ageing, the journal of the British Geriatrics Society is out now.

A full table of contents is available here, with editorials, research papers, reviews, short reports, case reports book reviews and more. Hot topics this issue include:

  • Pathogenesis and management of osteoarthritis
  • Risk factors for abuse in older people
  • The cost of stroke in Ireland
  • Preventing iatrogenic illness
  • Quality of life with advancing age

The Editor’s View article can be read here.

This issue’s free and open access paper are:

Age and Ageing collection: Developments in Stroke Medicine

Dr Victoria Haunton is Clinical Research Fellow and Honorary Specialist Registrar at Leicester Royal Infirmary.

Prof Tom Robinson is Professor of Stroke Medicine at Leicester Royal Infirmary and is an Associate Editor and the Supplements Editor for Age and Ageing journal.MCA-Stroke-Brain-Humn-2A

A collection of 10 Age and Ageing papers is free to view on the journal website.

Despite the dramatic revolution in stroke medicine, levels of stroke knowledge amongst the general public remain surprisingly poor, and there are still significant difficulties in getting patients to access stroke services promptly. Stephanie Jones et al sought to try and understand these problems in their important integrative review. Worryingly, they found that people struggle to name even one stroke risk factor or stroke symptom, particularly when open ended questions are used. Knowledge is especially poor in older members of the population, ethnic minority groups and those with a lower socio-economic status, but there is also a surprising lack of knowledge amongst those who have already suffered a stroke. Furthermore, there appears to be a real paradox between what people say they would do and what they would actually do in the event of a stroke; whilst at least 47% said they would contact emergency medical services if they suspected they or a relative were experiencing a stroke, only 18% of stroke patients had actually done this. There is therefore an urgent need for further public education. In light of their findings, Stephanie Jones and colleagues suggest that the ideal campaign should minimise barriers to health services and provide cues to action. Continue reading

Welsh Stroke Conference 2012

Friday 22nd June 2012

Riverfront Centre, Newport

An exciting line-up of speakers including local colleagues showcasing recent advances in stroke service delivery with examples of good practice in Wales. Details about the final programme and registration will be available from our new website by 1st March 2012

Posters/Abstract will be along the themes of Science, Service and Clinical Cases. Information/guidance about posters/Abstract available here. Abstracts to be received by the end of March 2012 and there will be prizes for each category.

  • Medics fee: Early Bird – £150 (to end of April) or £170 (after 1 May).
  • Non medics: Early Bird – £30 (to end of April) or £40 (after 1 May).
  • Half day fees: half cost of day fee.

Please note these future stroke meeting dates:

  • Friday 21st June 2013
  • Friday 20th June 2014